BTS MEMORIES OF 2020 Cr. kkukstudio & Mich a No sharing of links publicly! If you aren't able to open okru videos i.e it's showing (the site can't be reached), please click on the 3 dots in the corner and then click on 'open through browser' and then click okru option (it'll only work if you have okru). To download the videos :- 01 DISC:- BANG BANG CON The Live | Link 02 DISC:- BANG BANG CON The Live VCR MAKING FILM | Link BANG BANG CON The Live Practice MAKING FILM | Link BANG BANG CON The Live Rehearsal MAKING FILM | Link BANG BANG CON The Live D-day MAKING FILM | Link 03 DISC:- 'MAP OF THE SOUL : 7' Dance Practice MAKING FILM | Link 'MAP OF THE SOUL : 7' Jacket MAKING FILM | Link 'Interlude : Shadow' Comeback Trailer MAKING FILM | Link 'Outro : Ego' Comeback Trailer MAKING FILM | Link 'Black Swan' MV MAKING FILM | Link 'ON' Kinetic Manifesto Film : Come Prima MAKING FILM| ...